About the Series
Everything to Know About Food Over 50

Food Over 50 is an award winning "How To" and more importantly "Why To" cooking, nutrition and healthy lifestyle series specifically created for Public Television and its 65 year old median age viewership. FO5O is the first of its kind, a series that specifically states in its title, "This show is for maturing adults, Boomers & seniors, who recognize the challenges of aging and want to stay healthy, fit and active throughout a long life, plus enjoy delicious food all along the way!"
Food Over 50 is by no means limited to a Boomer/senior viewing audience. Yes, it targets this essential Public Television audience with nutritious, whole food recipes and culinary techniques that are an appetizing panacea for nearly every ailment that nags at our health and fitness as we age. However, viewers of any age benefit from Food Over 50's message and menu, because fresh, wholesome, taste-tempting meals are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle whether you are 19 or 90!
According to The Center For Disease Control, over 21 million Americans suffer from diabetes, while millions more combat elevated A1c. The majority are over 50. As to high blood pressure, The American Heart Association and C.D.C. concur that more than 70 million Americans are hindered by hypertension. That's 1 in every 3 adults and most are 50 and up! Factoring in high cholesterol, heart disease and other health concerns, over 110 million of us - one third of the U.S. population are at risk of serious medical complications. Within the Boomer/senior age demos this percentage jumps to nearly two thirds! However, a vast majority of us can correct these health challenges with simple, satisfying changes to our cooking and eating habits, and overall food and beverage behavior. This is why Food Over 50 is more than just topical and timely; it's vital!
70% of good health is achieved in the kitchen, while 30% is earned in the gym.

So, what's on the menu at Food Over 50? Well, from Chinese to Moroccan, and Tex-Mex to Italian, most cultural cuisines contain fatty, salty, carb-rich foods as well as leaner, healthier fare. Food Over 50 selects only the healthiest and tastiest from world cuisine. Plus grilling, searing, roasting and steaming techniques outweigh deep fat frying and butter basting in the kitchen. For instance, how about a savory garlic & rosemary-accented Roast Lamb w/ Minted Chimichurri, Ratatouille & Whole Wheat Couscous from our Red Meat & Cholesterol episode? Or what about a simple yet impressive Herb-Roasted Poulet Jardin surrounded by 7 colorful and deliciously prepared vegetables from Eating The Rainbow? And why not pander to our sweet tooth with an exotic Moroccan Desert Tray, Boozy Orange & Bitter Chocolate, or Date & Bourbon Chantilly Cream that tops fresh summer berries in our Sweet Things episode?
In their sixties, Food Over 50's Chef/Host, David Jackson and our Registered Dietitian, Elizabeth Kelsey might be a little long in the tooth, but who better to deliver our FO5O message? Do you want aging advice from a 30-something? David mans the kitchen while "Libby" features in our Second Helpings segments, defining the health theme of each FO5O episode, critiquing recipes from a nutrition perspective and advancing the message of cooking and eating fresh foodstuffs rather than relying on manufactured heat-and-serve meals loaded with hidden sodium, sugars and trans-fats!
Food Over 50's main production location is the scenic Mojave Desert adjoining the resort city of Palm Springs, and nearby Joshua Tree National Park. Most of the cooking segments take place in Food Over 50's kitchen studio. However, our host also enjoys a lovely seaside cottage in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, where select and very scenic out-of-kitchen adventures and seafood recipes are produced. The series bounces back and forth between these two unique locations.
According to The Center For Disease Control, over 21 million Americans suffer from diabetes, while millions more combat elevated A1c.

Expert medical commentary is also a vital part of Food Over 50. David interviews respected cardiologists, doctors of osteopathic medicine, oral health experts and others on a range of health subjects, from Hypertension, to Inflammation, to Aging & The Loss Of Taste.
70% of good health is achieved in the kitchen, while 30% is earned in the gym. But this is no reason to undervalue exercise as we age! This is why each Food Over 50 episode ends with David's brief but inspirational "Earn What You Eat" fitness reminders, run split-screen against the ending credits. He's up for tennis, bicycling, jogging, rowing, skin diving, golf, rowing, bowling and even rock climbing! Are you?
Food Over 50 is Produced by Mojave Productions
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