Season 1 – Episode 4 Did You Know? Look for words such as sugar, dextrose, high fructose corn syrup or sucrose on food labels, to know if sugar has been added to the foods that you’re buying. Consume sugar as
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Dietary Fiber: Bulking Up on Taste
Season 1 – Episode 5 Did You Know? Most of us only get about 50% of the fiber that we need on a daily basis. Fiber aids in creating a healthy gut, which in turn, helps make a healthier you.
Roast Leg of Lamb with Rosemary and Garlic
When it comes to red meat meals I like lamb. This Mediterranean influenced roast is simple and traditional, whether you prepare it over a wood fire on the beach, or in the oven at home. And the fresh garlic and
Tabbouleh with Artichoke
Classic parsley, tomato and bulgar salad, known as Tabbouleh, or Taboulie, is prepared exquisitely by our American Public Television cooking show colleague, Julie Taboulie of Julie Taboulie’s Lebanese Kitchen. We can’t improve on her version and we wouldn’t even try.
On Location: Abhainn Dearg
Though I’ve never been a big drinker, and less so after I reached 50, and then 60, I still do enjoy a well crafted beer, a nice glass of wine and even the occasional “wee dram” of good whiskey. The
On Location: McMackerel
Every time our meager Food Over 50 crew packs up the gear and flies over to Scotland to shoot some on-location production segments, I’m pretty much guaranteed that there’s going to be some eye rolling and chuckles on the plane.
On Set: Copper Pot Collection
The one thing on our Food Over 50 kitchen set that gets the most response from viewers is the eclectic collection of French copper pots and pans that rest on the shelves by the ovens. I’ve been cooking with them
On Set: Giant Clam Shell
Behind the scenes at our Food Over 50 kitchen studio we have 6, commercial-grade chrome racks, each with half a dozen 4-foot shelves. This is in addition to the hutch and racks that are on-set. Together, that makes for a