Season 1 - Episode 1
Did You Know?
Cholesterol is only found in animal fats, not vegetables, fruits or grains.
Cholesterol serves many important functions in the body – the goal is to maintain a balance.
Sugar and saturated fat trigger your body to make more of its own cholesterol.
Food Over 50's first episode introduces good health and nutrition to the meals we eat, and sets the theme for the entire first series with one of our most common dietary dilemmas in America, the issue of Red Meat & Cholesterol. "As we age, we must not keep eating like teenagers," observes FO50's host, David Jackson. 24oz. steaks and triple cheeseburgers are excessive for anyone's appetite, at any age, and ridiculous if we're middle-aged or older! This episode's savory and taste-temping recipes, including Bitter/Sweet Steak Salad and Roast Lamb w/ Chimichurri & Ratatouille, puts into proportion how much is too much red meat and whether dietary cholesterol is actually the health threat we were convinced it was decades ago.
Episode #1 of FO5O also takes us to David's seaside hideaway in Scotland for a beach side lamb barbecue - Hebridean-style - before heading back to the studio kitchen near Palm Springs to roast the lamb home-style. Food Over 50 episode #1 wraps up with our "Second Helpings" segment, featuring Registered Dietitian, Elizabeth Kelsey, discussing healthy portions for red meat meals, the truth about dietary cholesterol and the greater concern we should have concerning overall saturated fat in our foods.
To end the episode, David's recap of the recipes and great nutritional advice is followed with an upbeat "Earn What You Eat" golf segment that leaves FO5O viewers with an important message. Physical activity is just as critical to a healthy lifestyle as fresh, nutritious and flavorful food. So next time you hit the links, walk don't ride!