Just like the proverbial apple, an egg a day can also keep the doctor away. But all of the fat and most of the calories are in the yolk! Instead, we’re stuffing protein-perfect egg whites with delicious, low fat alternatives
Ingredient: freshly ground black pepper
Homemade Lobster Stock
Whether cost is no object, or it’s a once-a-year splurge, if you’re buying and cooking a lobster you might as well get the absolute most out of it. This means saving the shells and boiling them into a savory stock
Frijoles Pintos Picantes
Good old rice and beans! For centuries we’ve known that this classic plant-based pairing not only sticks to our ribs and satisfies our hunger, but also forms a nutritious, complete protein without all the saturated fat associated with meat. That
Smoked Mackerel Pate
Fresh mackerel contains one of the highest concentrations of healthy Omega 3’s of any fish in the sea. Smoked mackerel combines all this good nutrition with loads of extra flavor. So, add a dollop of chickpea and olive oil based
Roasted Salmon with Lemon and Dill
When it comes to lean, healthy protein sources the first foodstuff that pops into most of our minds is salmon. Wild or farmed, fresh or frozen, sliced into sashimi or pan-seared, salmon is a heroic source of Omega 3’s and
Whole Wheat Couscous with Roasted Red Peppers
Simple and satisfying, couscous is the perfect Mediterranean-influenced carbohydrate side dish to accompany roast lamb and ratatouille. By using the whole wheat version of this crushed durum semolina with chicken stock, rather than plain water, and by adding diced roasted
Bittersweet Steak Salad
A small portion of sizzling hot steak over crisp, cool salad greens where the bitter Radicchio is offset by sweet pear. This is one of my favorite warm weather meals. It’s light, refreshingly well balanced, immensely flavorful and loaded with