Just like the proverbial apple, an egg a day can also keep the doctor away. But all of the fat and most of the calories are in the yolk! Instead, we’re stuffing protein-perfect egg whites with delicious, low fat alternatives
Ingredient: olive oil
Spanish Rice
Good old rice and beans! For centuries we’ve known that this classic plant-based pairing not only sticks to our ribs and satisfies our hunger, but also forms a nutritious, complete protein without all the saturated fat associated with meat. That
Frijoles Pintos Picantes
Good old rice and beans! For centuries we’ve known that this classic plant-based pairing not only sticks to our ribs and satisfies our hunger, but also forms a nutritious, complete protein without all the saturated fat associated with meat. That
Smoked Mackerel Pate
Fresh mackerel contains one of the highest concentrations of healthy Omega 3’s of any fish in the sea. Smoked mackerel combines all this good nutrition with loads of extra flavor. So, add a dollop of chickpea and olive oil based
Ratatouille Nicoise
Foods of the Mediterranean region are widely regarded as healthier than most. And Ratatouille, much like Pistou and Tourlou, is one of the healthiest of the healthy. After all, what could be better for our waistlines, our internal vitality and
Whole Wheat Couscous with Roasted Red Peppers
Simple and satisfying, couscous is the perfect Mediterranean-influenced carbohydrate side dish to accompany roast lamb and ratatouille. By using the whole wheat version of this crushed durum semolina with chicken stock, rather than plain water, and by adding diced roasted
Chimichurri Sauce
This herbaceous sauce originated in the South American cattle country, namely Argentina and Uruguay, to accompany grilled meats with a zesty tang. There are “verde” and “rojo” versions. I prefer the green Chimichurri, which pairs well with lamb and I
Almost Chicken Soup
A pot full of bubbling chicken broth, vegetables and diced breast or thigh meat that’s simmering away on the stove is every mother’s home remedy. Food Over 50’s version calls for homemade, fat free chicken stock using a roasted carcass
Mussels Marinara
Mussels contain a substantially higher level of healthy Omega 3’s than any other shellfish. This is why I regularly hand-harvest these beautiful bi-valves outside the cottage in Scotland and turn them into a variety of recipes, from smoked mussels to
Roast Leg of Lamb with Rosemary and Garlic
When it comes to red meat meals I like lamb. This Mediterranean influenced roast is simple and traditional, whether you prepare it over a wood fire on the beach, or in the oven at home. And the fresh garlic and
Tabbouleh with Artichoke
Classic parsley, tomato and bulgar salad, known as Tabbouleh, or Taboulie, is prepared exquisitely by our American Public Television cooking show colleague, Julie Taboulie of Julie Taboulie’s Lebanese Kitchen. We can’t improve on her version and we wouldn’t even try.